January 14, 2010

Retired Senator Bill Frist

Dear Bill Frist:
You won’t remember me, but I was once a member of the Republican Presidential Roundtable.  I believe the reason I was invited, many years ago, was that I had been instrumental in bringing attention to the fact that returning Vietnam veterans were dying at a shocking rate.  The official word was that upon return they had a higher life expectancy than their age mates because they had been screened and had ready access to health care.  I had numbers that indicated a problem, a big one.  After some years I got word the NIH was conducting the relevant study, and the ribbons that we see in recent years show how much has changed.  Shortly after the work came out I received my invitation and accepted it eagerly against the chance that if the day came when I had another matter of vital interest to the country I would have a better chance to get prompt attention. 

That occasion arrived about 10 years ago.  I found strong evidence, at least as strong as my evidence concerning the veterans, that fertility is declining and that the cause of that decline is being ignored.  Word came me that at the next Roundtable meeting we were explicitly to be asked, “What are your concerns for the country?”  In the event, that meeting followed 9/11.  In fact it did not occur at all.  And the agenda for the party was fixed for the next eight years.  I had lost my voice.  Since then, I have been obliged for financial reasons to fall inactive.  (I’ve put all my efforts into this.)

I am hoping that you might be free to take an interest.  The fact is that the fertility of a couple is determined by their kinship.  Once you reach second cousin, fertility declines rapidly with decreasing kinship.  By sixth or seventh it is below replacement.  Furthermore this effect increases over time.  It is obvious the dire consequences this holds for our country and indeed for every developed nation. 

The proof is on the enclosed 10 minute DVD along with references.  This is actually well established science, simply ignored science.  I have added some of my own work, but that is not crucial to the bottom line. 

Please take a look at it.  I shall be posting this letter on my website NoBabies.net.  I have a little sister site SilentNursery.com.  In recent weeks I have noticed that they have been attracting more interest. 

If you have anything to offer on this or if I can be of help in any way, please let me know.


M. Linton Herbert MD
Nobabies.net and SilentNursery.com

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